Never…..dedicated to “him”


I never should have responded to that first IM.
I never should have made that first phone call.
I never should have step beyond the green door.
I never should have opened up my heart and soul to you.
I never should have trusted you.
I never should have believed you loved me.
I never should have believed my heart was safe with you.
I never should have believed that you would protect me.
I never should have allowed you to expose me.
I never should have allowed myself to become so vulnerable to you.
I never should have submitted to you.
I never should have become emotionally dependent on you.
I never should have exposed my kids to you.
I never should have fallen in love with you.

I will never believe your lies.
I will never trust you.
I will never understand why.
I will never respect you.
I will never believe that you are strong.
I will never love you again.
I will never give myself to you.
I will never speak to you.
I will never forget you.

Never say never…..

2 thoughts on “Never…..dedicated to “him”

  1. Hope says:

    We are so alike. It’s freaking me out 🙂


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