Getting Tired

This appeared in my inbox today.

A week ago, I told P. I wanted to believe his words but his contradictory actions make it challenging.   I told him I was getting tired. 

 I am getting tired and ready to give up. One can only give so many chances, the bucket eventually empties.

What I have now is….


…exactly what I longed for years ago.

I spent my 20’s in an abusive, violent relationship.  10 years of pure hell. My now husband was my co-worker during that time. He was so kind, understanding, nice. I saw how he treated his girlfriend and I longed to have that…to be in his girlfriend’s place.

Fear froze me in that abusive relationship.  I never ever thought I would have the kind of relationship I longed for.  But miracles happen…

I was freed from the abuse and violence. My husband’s relationship ended sometime before that.  Even though we no longer worked together, fate reconnected us.  I found myself in the exact spot I always dreamt of.  I was now in the loving arms of this kind, understanding man.  I was no longer living in fear. Life was great.

I don’t want to spoil what I have….it was once my heart’s desire and if I stop focusing on what I don’t have, I think I’ll see that it still is my heart’s desire.